seems to be Hollywoods season of remakes and sequels
and Liz Hurleys new film Bedazzled keeps to that
The original starred iconic comedy duo Peter Cook and Dudley
Moore (with an appearance by Raquel Welch).
The remake has Hurley and Brendan Fraser taking the leading
roles. The storyline has been doctored somewhat in its translation
between the 1960s original and now. The original had Moore
as a washed-up fast food chef infatuated by a waitress who
pays him no attention, so the devil (Cook) appears on the
scene and offers him a deal one soul for one woman.
Now we have Fraser as a geeky internet help-line operator
who is obsessed with a girl in the office. Hurley plays a
femme fatale devil offering a similar deal to the original.
The female incarnation of Lucifer is a novel twist to the
tale, similar to Alanis Morrisettes God in Dogma. As
Hurley slinks from scene to scene, with a playful glint in
her eye, Frasers too-nice-to-date Elliot is the real
comedy element to this tale. The character has enough good
lines for Fraser to shine above the rest of the cast.Having
seven wishes in return for his soul, Elliot makes each wish
aiming to impress his woman-friend. Unfortunately, the devil
seems to find a way of twisting the wish to a private torture.
A rich and famous wish renders Elliot a drug lord being chased
by Russian mafia. The failing of the movie is the number of
wishes Elliot has in return for his soul. After the first
three you can work out how each wish will be twisted, and
your only wish is for the punchline of this 90-minute comedy.
Hurley also fails to impress, which is a pity, as 90 per cent
of the film centres around her and Fraser, leaving Fraser
the only shining gem in this remake. In summary, the film
is mildly amusing, but cannot escape the gravity of the old
Hollywood law - re-makes are a risky business. Rating
